Well, it’s been a funny old week. Neo-nazis from across Europe were due to visit Scotland to hear some crappy American nazi band this weekend, but it was cancelled due to the hard work of the HOPE not hate research team. We had tracked the individuals behind the gig since January.
If anybody else tells you they had it cancelled by getting the PA pulled for the event, perhaps they don’t know about the massive PA system the nazi gang Blood & Honour own and hire out themselves to the unsuspecting public. We do…
Other than that, there was a nice pat on the pack from neo-nazi wally Liam Pinkham (above) who summed up quite beautifully what every other little nazi was thinking when the news broke that the gig had been cancelled…
Some nazis may try and stage some kind of little protest or event, but it seems that scores and scores of outraged German neo-nazis are not coming now and are very upset. The police in Scotland are going to give any bonehead walking around in silly boots with silly badges in either Edinburgh or Falkirk “short shrift”. That’s much nicer than their original plans, apparently.
A lot of those who were planning to attend the gig have at least managed to get refunds on their rooms in Edinburgh. For those that did not get refunds, their anger now turns to Vicky Pearson, who organised the concert and charged £30 for a ticket. Some have begun to already question her honesty and integrity. Not me, Vicky. You wanted some new furniture and you got it. You go, girl!
Talking of silly badges etc, etc, the police in Blackpool are promising to show no tolerance at all after a series of swastikas were painted around town. I am sceptical. It is after all the same police force that stood by and alloweddiminutive golf caddy and hardware nazi Jack Renshaw try and encourage others to go about assaulting members of our Jewish community.
Perhaps PC Plod should begin his enquiries by asking who in the town (other than Jack) is into this kind of stuff. He or she could actually begin in the very street where most of the hate symbols appeared and work his or her way from there. I’m guessing if they are really, really smart, they may wish to speak to Gerald McCullion. He’s another nasty nazi that the police must be aware of. They may recall the time they attended a McCullion family party and found Gerald biting the nose off his uncle.
Gerald used to be a hard-line Republican supporter and follow the Hibernian football club in Scotland. Nowadays all that is left of that period of his life is a Hibs scarf that he uses to cover his face. Still, here’s a pic (above) of Gerald earlier this year during the riots in Dover when his football scarf came off.
On the subject of Dover, nearby Margate will host a “White Lives Matter” demo by the same gang as that debacle. Maybe they should keep an eye out for a minibus from the North East on its way to town. The driver is none other than convicted crack dealer and violent nazi Warren Faulkner. He too had a whale of time during his last visit to the Kent Coast..
The Batley and Spen by-election took a turn over the weekend. The British National Party decided not to leave the Wetherspoons pub where they were for most of the day, the electoral liar Jack Buckby bought a cake and forgot to campaign, the various versions of English Democrat candidates argued between themselves and the National Front (NF), went to a war memorial to ‘pay respect’ to Britain’s war dead. You will see on the left of their picture the petty criminal Kevin Watmough. Whilst there, I wonder if he remembered a rather more infamous trip he made to a war memorial?
Watmough is somewhat of an embarrasment to the far-right (and his wife in general.) He has been in the habit of late of even trying to deny his involvement with the paedophile terrorist Martyn Gilleard with whom Watmough had a close realtionship for many years. He even denies that he once campaigned for Gilleard’s release. Well, here is more proof of the nature of that relationship, taken from when Watmough ran the gang that was known as the British People’s Party. No prizes for guessing what the party was also known as…
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…