Well, Margate played host to the inaugural ‘White Lives Matter’ march today. It was actually just the usual National Front rejects under the leadership of notorious gob and organisational disaster Paul Prodromou.
Knowing that Prodromou was leading the shuffle along the sea front should give you a clue just how much white lives actually do matter to Britain’s far-right. There was 32 of them. Yep, that even included a minibus from Sunderland. It was desperate.
So desperate was the march for support that Pam Brannigan was recruited to steward for them. Brannigan has wormed her way back into the increasingly desperate far-right despite being heavily criticised by her colleagues when she was uncovered by HOPE not hate in 2013 for being behind a fake ‘Help For Heroes’ charity shop. Apparently after forking out for a few rounds of what they like, they forgave her.
Despite their ever-dwindling numbers they still managed to indulge in their favourite pastime of backstabbing. Serial wally and English Defence League reject Dave Coppin was particularly chastised for booking an after show to cater for 100 of his white brethren. He really is a wally.
Prodromou also once more opened up a front against Jeff Marsh aka Joe Marsh who not only has his fingers in the monies collected for imprisoned racists, but once more failed to show up with his Pie & Slash mates in nearish-by Hastings where he had threatened to attack a refugee charity.
Up in London (well, Egham) the aging freak show and person of growing disinterest Mark Atkinson the leader of the two man banjo Racial Volunteer Force (RVF), was outside Royal Holloway campus with some other desperate types asking for his job as a cleaner at the University back.
Hats off to Atkinson however, he did withdraw an invite to attend the demonstration to the teen sex-gang National Action, describing them as perverts. The fact that he turned up with wife beater, drug dealer and police grass Eddie Stampton kind of takes it away again. The pic we have used above is courtesy of @stig105
And if those two demonstrations do not fill you with joy, spare a thought for the 1930’s dressage brigade, New British Union. Their plan for a demonstration/rally/piss-up today was actually cancelled because nobody bought a ticket to attend. Nobody at all.