Spurned Nazi sympathiser went to man’s home armed with knife and Molotov cocktails

Matthew Collins - 27 10 16
Cooke & Buckby: Dynamic and sad duo

Cooke & Buckby: Dynamic and sad duo

A Nazi sympathiser went to a man’s home armed with a knife and two Molotov cocktails after he rejected his advances.

Craig Cooke, 24, became obsessed with his victim after they went on a date – harassing him at home, on Facebook and at work.

After police caught Cooke with the deadly arsenal in they searched his bedroom and found a Nazi uniform and body armour.

Cooke (left) is photographed above with recent Liberty GB and Pegida UK spokesman Jack Buckby, a candidate in the last week’s Batley & Spen By-election.

The full story can be read here.


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