Deal or no deal? Shane Williams queries Scott’s drugs policy

Sarah Archibald - 01 11 16
Shane Williams; just say no kids.

When released from prison on licence it’s probably not best form to publicly discuss your fondness for illegal drugs. It’d be, well, pretty stupid wouldn’t it?

Stupid is Shane Williams’ middle name. The Leicester EDL halfwit was jailed for violent disorder in 2014 for his role in shameful scenes at a Birmingham EDL demo the previous year. Released in 2015, he’s on licence until mid-December.

Yesterday Williams was alarmed to see one-time blink-or-you’ll-miss-it EDL leader Timothy Scott call for drug dealers to be killed. Having then seen prison pal Andrew Edge – also jailed for Brum violence – endorse that policy, he could no longer stay silent. Well he has a motto to upkeep.

With drug dealers dead where could he score his weed and coke her cried. It’s possibly not the sort of sentiment his probation officer wishes to see him express. Still, it’s sdomething for them to chat about next meeting.


Did we mention that Shane’s licence conditions also state he mustn’t associate with EDL types such as, well, Andrew Edge and Timmy Scott? We didn’t?

Bell-o-vision licence

Fear not though because, as EDL News reported on Williams’ release, he had a cunning plan which would prevent the Feds from clocking his dodgy association. Yes, he opened a new Facebook account. Brilliant!

But, with his welfare at heart, we want to remind Shane that imbibing illicit drugs can result in a loss of inhibitions and embarrassment.

Drugs are pants.


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