Darrin Kelly mocks court following lenient Dover sentence

Sarah Archibald - 08 12 16
Prison dodger Darrin Kelly

You’d think North East Infidel Darrin Kelly would have lain low having avoided a custodial sentence following his conviction for violent disorder.

Having previously thought he would get at least 12 months inside, Kelly was relieved yesterday when the judge instead gave him four months, suspended for two years. His relief was understandable given many of his partners in this particular crime in Dover have been locked up for 18 months or more. Shane Calvert, leader of what’s left of the North West Infidels, got 30.

But rather than count his blessings and zipping it, Kelly immediately had his picture taken outside Newcastle Crown Court where he had appeared via video link before a Canterbury judge.

Not only did a clearly unrepentant Kelly pose with fellow far right activists, he proceeded to abuse a security guard. This, remember, within the first hour served of a two year sentence which requires him to behave himself.

Reasons cited for Kelly’s unusually light sentence included that it was his first offence and that he was unable to work in his trade due to a back problem. He subsequently appears to mock the court for accepting this as mitigation saying: “Love the bit where it says unable to work for ten years in my trade maybe I was working from home.”

No doubt that was all above board with no benefits claimed and all taxes paid.

That aside Kelly’s injudicious comments and behaviour might make interest reading for Judge James O’Mahony who handed down his sentence. After all, he may be minded to follow the lead of Judge Beverly Lunt who jailed two drug dealers after they mocked the suspended sentences she had previously handed down.

To read the Northern Echo’s reporting of Darrin Kelley’s court case click here.


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