The National Front (NF) is having another in a long line of violent splits.Leading the way in threats and violence on behalf of the party against its detractors, is an old HOPE not hate favourite, Darren ‘Daz’ Lumb. He is always throwing his weight around while asking for cigarettes and a free dinner.
He has recently been a tormentor of the rival faction led by Heywood and Middleton’s happy family, Kevin and Debbie McMahon
Well, things came to a head last night when Lumb was cornered by the rival gang and filmed doing his job delivering kebabs. Halal kebabs. Lumb was called a “traitor” by his rival nazis. That seemed to get him very, very angry. They also insulted his wife- not nice.
Things turned a bit nasty and a few air punches were thrown. It’s a funny video if you like nazis being humiliated.
The only thing we can assure is, it will not be the last anybody hears of this…