We’re not going to get drawn into what happened to the monies collected by some fascists to buy Christmas presents for the children of their incarcerated racial comrades. I seem to recall back in the day, when I was in the National Front, such funds were actually called the “beer fund” and come Yuletide, the party Chairman would take a few of us out for a pint or two with the cash because as he (quite reasonably) reasoned, most of those kids never got Christmas gifts when their fathers were not in nick anyway.
Not a lot has changed it seems. The row about monies raised for prisoners has rumbled on for nearly a year now as the anniversary of the Dover debacle approaches and more and more fascists are finding themselves locked up. It’ll come as little surprise to those from the south that their northern comrades have, in the main, put most of the money up their noses.
Some good news for Britain First (not) in that their leader Paul Golding has now been released. Now the arguments can begin, and proof should be sought as to whether Golding was really denied visits. His comrades are claiming they were regularly turned away from visiting him. The truth will come out in the end, I suppose. He could always ask for the receipts of their mysterious train tickets, etc, etc.
One fascist currently being held is National Action’s (NA) Lawrence Burns, the young man from Cambridge.
A jury at Cambridge Crown Court last month found Lawrence Burns, 26, guilty of inciting racial hatred in a series of inflammatory Facebook posts in 2014, as well as making a racist speech at a memorial demonstration to American white supremacist leader David Lane.
In the speech, which was later posted on YouTube, Burns was heard to refer to Jews as “parasites” that wanted to create a “mongrelised race”.
Awaiting sentence, Burns has written to Jeremy “Jez” Turner. Turner has written of poor Lawrence’s plight from “behind the wire” even quoting Richard Lovelace, the seventeenth century English poet and not the father of Linda as serial wally and police grass Eddie Stampton thought.
Burns has written “I am guilty of nothing other than telling the truth,” which is not quite what the jury thought. Burns also claims he can smell “victory in the air” which given the state and condition of Britain’s prisons it’s highly likely that the smell is actually something that should perfectly accompany such silly thoughts and ideas.
Burns has also written a poem. It’s the work of someone who feels everything must rhyme, which would probably have Linda’s father turning in his grave. Here’s a snippet of the mind of the mindless racist, anyway:
The outcast must by now decide
To submit to unjust law,
Or continue to fight for what is right
Against a system corrupt to the core.
A coward prefers the chains of comfort
To life outside this law,
To keep himself from strife
He remains a subservient whore
I’d advise Mr Burns not to give up his day job, particularly as his day job is slopping out (where he can smell this victory of his coming) I’d say that was very apt and sound advice.
In writing up Burns’ plight, Turner suggests fascists who want to write to Burns do so in capital letters- what with joined up writing being so difficult for most of them:
“He is currently a remand prisoner, and is due to be sentenced on 30th January
Write to this brave young man, (remember letters will be censored in both directions, and illegible letters will not be allowed, so write in capitals if need be), and do not forget our other political prisoners worldwide.”
That’s sound advice. Also, avoid putting little swastikas on the outside of the envelopes; the staff at HMP Peterborough have been warned about nonsense like that.
Another fascist from National Action was also arrested yesterday. This will bode well for the panto season…