Having worked his way through various failed fascist groups notorious Nazi tat peddler Kevin Watmough is now putting his anti-Midas touch to work on the North West Infidels (NWI).
This is going as well as you might expect. Last night the group lost the 53rd incarnation of its Facebook page for “promoting graphic violence.” Whilst pretty standard for Watmough’s useless Redwatch page, it’s not something social media moderators take too kindly too. This is especially true when users launch (spectacularly misdirected) campaigns against a woman that involves targeting her child’s primary school.
When he woke up alongside one time terrorist suspect Kate Read to discover the demise of the page, he didn’t take it at all well. Returning to the old NWI Manchester page he vented his spleen in his traditional anti-Semitic style.
But if Kev thinks removal of the Facebook page is the worst of the traumas he’s to suffer, we have worrying news for him. Word is that West Mercia police have shown more than a passing interest in recent posts. No doubt they too are agents of the New World Order eh Kev?
Now Watmough is seeking to woo fellow Nazis to the page he’s also announced its forthcoming rebrand. Well he does live in Bradford so that Manchester thing has to go for starters. The North West thing too if we were going to be pedantic.
Watmough is, as is his tradition, using the page to heavily promote his hatred of Jews. On Holocaust Memorial Day he posted his standard fare of Holocaust denial. Whilst tapping on his keyboard he was not doubt fondly remembering a NWI trip to Blackpool last March when the North West Infidels embarrassed themselves by the coast. He has perhaps failed to remember that the police are currently investigating one of the speakers at that seaside jolly after receiving complaints of – you guessed it – anti-Semitism.
Don’t tell Kate but our photographer also caught him seemingly checking out fellow Infidel Chez Heath’s arse.
Whilst Watmough has long associated with the NWI, it seems the latest bust-ups in the National Front have made the much-dimished criminal gang his default home. He no doubt fancies taking on the leadership given that the current fuhrer, Shane Calvert, is otherwise engaged at HMP Elmley.
He’s not what you’d call the unity candidate. I mean, far be it from us to suggest that Kev is one that adds rocket fuel to the furious fascist fire, but having helped steer the NF to oblivion he’s now turned his sights to verbose video-diarist Joey Owens. This will no doubt go down well with Owens, one-time bodyguard to Nick Griffin, who is as renowned for his patience as he is his brevity.