Well, the good news is that Roy Price is due out of prison any day soon. Roy’s been in prison for nearly a year. He was arrested for his part in the Dover riot last January. It was Price’s arrest and subsequent time spent on remand that triggered a massive fall-out in the ranks of the fascist movement over bottle, booze, bricks, bondage and other stuff beginning with B.
By June of last year, the South East Alliance (SEA) leader Paul Prodromou was so sick and tired of rumours and allegations about himself that he made this classic video in response to his detractors. He was ‘facking’ angry etc, etc.
No doubt Price’s return will be marked by the usual Nazi shindig of booze, drugs and domestic violence. You’ll read about it here, folks..
Someone else who is (below) average and angry is height challenged Nazi Kevin Watmough. The petite Fuhrer appears to have dumped the war-torn National Front in favour of the war-torn North West Infidels (NWI) drug gang. So far Watmough has managed to target a primary school for racial hatred which is a step-up from one of his racial colleagues who last year targeted a nursery for burglary.
However, Watmough is still not very adept at dealing with the media. He has been having a little bit of a meltdown about being contacted by the media to explain his actions. To be fair to Mr Watmough, having made a lifetime out of associating with paedophiles, Nazis and wannabe terrorists, he should be better prepared or protected than he is from scrutiny.
Another of Watmough’s old friends is Eddie Morrison, the Leeds based wannabe Fuhrer often found with his head in a toilet basin. A few years ago, after Watmough and Morrison fell out over a bottle of White Lightening, Watmough told a wonderful story about pulling Morrison out of the bath. Such incidences are probably all part of Morrison’s secret life as a Nazi poet. Yes, Morrison writes poetry and also does poor copies of Monet paintings from his accommodation in Leeds. Indeed, his bookshelf is full of books about Hitler and his walls are covered in attempts to mimic Oscar-Claude Monet, the father of French impressionist painting. According to a source who was with Morrison on the sauce quite recently, Morrison’s attempts at impressionism are so poor that his other hero, Hitler, would have quite possibly locked him up for degeneracy. Now there’s a thing..
Anyway, Morrison will be in London this weekend talking to the London Forum about ‘Nationalist Poetry as Art & Ideology’. Given that Buckfast is Morrison’s most recent muse, this should be interesting. According to the London Forum, Morrison has “long been an advocate for White Identity both as organiser and activist. He is also a poet.”
Yes, poet Morrison is the man who wrote:
The music has fled for
the Last Verse is dead
and the Wild Gods of Mammon
now reign overjoyed
So come to me quickly
and I will enfold thee
Whilst all around rages
the now shapeless storm
It’s about an old white ‘chick’ he digs, right? Anyway, the London Forum has pencilled him in to perform his poetry after what will no doubt be some rather startled Iranian nationals have finished talking about Jews and stuff. It makes sense. I guess Jews need not attend.
The Guardian ran a story yesterday about British National Party (BNP) leader and banned former schoolteacher Adam Walker still teaching kids. It’s five years later than we ran it, but I guess it is still welcome. Walker was initially banned from teaching after pulling a knife and chasing young boys and slashing their bicycle tyres. To lose one school teacher in the family is careless, but you should google his brother Mark and see why he was also banned from teaching!!
It seems the impetus for the Guardian to run the story may well have come from one of Walker’s old BNP comrades, Pete Molloy. Molloy, who also hangs around with kids despite his own fascist activities has been positively crowing about the story. Nice..
But it’s not just that old comrade having a dig at the BNP leader. Porn boss Steve Squire who was not even wanted by Britain First has suddenly turned up in Asiatic race-hate gang, The Jack Sen Five, and has given it with “both barrels” to his former leader after Walker announced the BNP would be standing in the forthcoming Stoke Central Parliamentary by-election on 23rd February. According to the party website the BNP’s candidate will be National Press Officer, David Furness. Furness is just about the only person left in the party willing to stand anywhere. In fact, it is a bit of a struggle to recall any other BNP candidates other than Furness standing anywhere of late.
Poor old David. If he gets hammered again, he could well end up being the next Lord David Sutch!!
It was a weird weekend at our office. As well as having to paint my office wall red and blue, our young volunteer kept taking phone calls from someone with a “brummie” accent, desperate to tell them where the bonehead gig involving the long awaited return of Nazi rock band Squadron was taking place. They were pushing very strongly that it was in Cheshunt and we should form some sort of daisy chain and march up there and stop it. What was even more bizarre, is the rumour that the caller was calling from a rival Nazi gig being held in the Midlands. Would you Adam & Eve it? Hands up if you think that’s true…
And finally, a big shout out to Gil Gould from Essex. Gil’s another angry white man. We’ve not heard from Gil for a while either as Mick Wittman or as his other nom de plume, Joe Piper.
Don’t be shy, Gil.
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…