Mark Atkinson: Sacked cleaner and Fuhrer
The leader of a gang of white supremacists has opened his heart about his ongoing fight to win back his job as a cleaner at a top London University.
Mark Atkinson, who leads the Racial Volunteer Force (RVF), has broken his veil of silence about the pain, hurt and suffering his dismissal has caused.
Atkinson: Opens his Nazi heart about injustice
Atkinson, aged in his fifties, is the leader of the secretive gang that meet for drinks in his shed once a month to plot and plan a race war. Now however, Atkinson’s long-held dreams of race war that would see potentially thousands of blacks, gays, Jews and Asians killed have been put on hold whilst he fights for what he believes are his civil and human rights.
Atkinson, a small and gruff individual from Egham in Surrey, was sacked from his job as a cleaner at London’s Royal Holloway University last year when the University was made aware that Atkinson- a Holocaust denier with a string of criminal convictions dating back over two decades, had attended an anti-Jewish protest in 2015. It was not without controversy.
Prior to these activities coming to light, Atkinson had been of reasonably good character apparently- or as far as the University knew. It seems Royal Holloway, which has a Holocaust studies department, was totally unaware that Atkinson was a former member of the terror gang Combat 18 (from which his RVF split) or that the RVF which Atkinson formed in 2003, maintained a desire to encourage supporters to resort to violence against people with non-white backgrounds.
Atkinson had been jailed with a host of others in 2005 for the publication of a magazine with anti-Jewish articles such as ‘Roast A Rabbi.’
In 1997, Atkinson and three others were jailed for publishing ‘Stormer’ magazine. Atkinson was caught with hundreds of copies of the 12-page magazine, described by Judge George Bathurst-Norman, as containing “vile out-pouring of hatred and incitement to violence”. One of the magazine’s targets was the elderly mother of boxer Frank Bruno.
Now the shoe has been placed firmly on the other foot and Atkinson, like one of the ugly sisters in Cinderalla, is feeling hurt that he has lost his job.
A source close to Atkinson (Eddy Stampton) has also spoken as to how Atkinson’s sacking has affected the would-be Fuhrer. “He’s very upset,” said Stampton. “Really sad about it. He just sits in his shed with his swastika flag at half-mast and stares at his mop and broom.
Stampton: Known to help out others in distress..
“I keep trying to cheer him up, saying ‘c’mon lad, let’s go and beat some women up’ but he just seems so low about the whole thing.”
So desperate to get his job back is Atkinson, that he has staged two demonstrations outside the University when it is closed. Other race-haters have tried to rally around to help in his campaign- a campaign that has dominated his life. So far in the seven months since he has lost his job, Atkinson has bravely confronted two shut gates of the University on two separate Saturdays to make his pain known.
Writing candidly about his pain and suffering on his Facebook page, Atkinson wrote yesterday that he would “not go without a fight” and that it was the second time that being a violent Nazi had lost him his job.
Support: Worldwide support for his cause
Certainly two sparsely attended demonstrations when the University is closed in seven odd months gives you an idea just how much Atkinson is hurting and not giving in to international Zionism, Snowflakes, Cultural Marxism, Surestart, ‘Libtards’ or even the Job Centre.
Little is said about the other cleaner who got sacked along with Atkinson. Louis Capaldi (below right) has (unlike Atkinson) kept a low profile- probably on account of his Father being a quite senior police officer.
Atkinson & Capaldi in happier times
“Atki’ is like Nelson Mandela and Dr King” Stampton told us, “and he sings like Paul Robeson. It’s just such a shame that his thirst for racism and violence has cost him his job.”