1 Jim Dowson Influential behind the scenes in Britain and Europe with men in robes and camouflage. He is now the main far right link to Europe and the USA.
2 Larry Nunn Nothing moves without comment or approval from Larry Nunn aka Max Musson. The only fascist still willing to spend money on the movement.
3 Jeremy Bedford Turner The enthusiastic and ubiquitous bagman for Nunn. Not a man of many means, but the driving force in front and behind Nunn’s lofty ambitions.
4 Paul Golding Despite trying to shift Britain First off his plate, his imprisonment has left him bitter, aggravated and potentially more dangerous
5 Mark Collett The BNP’s former Golden Boy has reinvented himself with a book, a regular podcast and appearing alongside former KKK leader David Duke.
6 Arek Rzepinski Leader of the Polish nazi gang NOP, domiciled in Britain. Rzepinkski, known to his followers as “the money collector” recently led his gang of Nazis along with Joe Turner to attack a squat in West London. Rzepinski organises the NOP from his home in Peckham.
7 Julie Lake Former BNP south-west regional organiser. Appears to be playing mother to all and now leading the South West Forum.
8 Stephen Lennon A truly fallen star. He put more effort into building his ego than he ever did Pegida UK.
9 Alex Davies National Action’s former deputy may be rather dim but there are those who want to save him from himself and reinventhim as Collett’s sidekick.
10 Jayda Fransen The first woman to lead (if only temporarily) a right-wing extremist group in the UK. The temporary leader of Britain First has leadership dreams of her own.
11 Joe Turner aka Joe Marsh, leads the Pie n’ Mash squad, the most active far right street gang around at the moment. Joe’s had to team up with the Polish neo-Nazi gang for some extra muscle, and also help with his painting and decorating business.
12 Mark Cotterill Cotterill edits the only remaining and salient magazine for the British far right, Heritage & Destiny.