EDL leader makes rape gag

Sarah Archibald - 17 02 17
Ian Crossland racist, misogynist, disablist.

It seems obvious but apparently we need point out to the EDL’s national spokesperson that rape is never funny.

Ian Crossland celebrated St. Valentine’s day not with flowers, but a crude and hugely offensive Facebook post.

The man who, with his fellow charmers, claims to protest against sexual abuse, wrote:

Roses are red

violets are blue

we’re gonna have sex

cos I’m stronger than you.

In the thread below his post he continued with his rape theme, writing:

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I’ve got a knife bitch now get in the van.”

It was no surprise to see his idiot followers lapping up this misogynistic “joke.” Among those liking the post was Billy Charlton who has spent much of the last few months ranting both on and offline about an alleged sexual assault in his native North East.

This, it is claimed, was carried out by immigrants. No-one has been charged although the police are continuing to investigate. No laughing matter. But Crossland’s “joke” is Billy?

Not so funny, is it?

No doubt us pointing out that this – sexual violence – is not in any way funny, is just “political correctness gone mad.” That certainly seemed to be the response when Crossland was previously challenged having posted a so-called joke that was quite clearly disablist.

It seems no depth is to low for Crossland and his acolytes to plumb.


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