EDL splits over Brannigan “Leftie plant” claims

Sarah Archibald - 20 02 17
Brannigan: a “wrong un”

A fresh row has broken out within the English Defence League (EDL) over claims that one-time fake charity shop manager Pam Brannigan is a “leftie plant.”

Sunderland’s notorious caps lock fixated angry man Billy Charlton levelled the accusation on his Facebook page. It enjoyed a swift and sympathetic reaction from many of his fellow fascist travellers, all keen to put the metaphorical boot in.

No need to SHOUT Billy

“As much loyalty as a rabid dog” asserted Darwen Infidel, Tony Vickers (aka John Vickers)in what was one of the more temperate responses. Others laid in with claims Brannigan had helped secure the arrest of one fascist, grassed up another and had threatened one woman who was apparently recovering from cancer.

Luckily for Pam two knights in shining armour were on hand to defend what’s left of her honour. National EDL spokeman Ian Crossland, who thinks rape is funny, dismisses Charlton’s accusation. He’s known Pam for yonks, so it can’t be true apparently. His opinions on Brannigan having falsely claimed to represent Help for Heroes when running a Sunderland “charity shop are not documented.

Brannigan causes more trouble than HOPE Not Hate

Prominent Scottish Defence League (SDL) activist Neil Munro offered a more muted defence. Despite the fact that Brannigan has long been distrusted by many among the UK’s tinpot fascist groups, Munro says this is all news to him. Well knowing stuff is hardly a far right specialism I suppose.

Of course ignorance does offer some bliss as this latest bout of infighting is embarrassing for so many, given that Brannigan has inveigled herself with a number of far right gangs. Once a leading player in Suinderland EDL and one of the groups self-proclaimed Angels, she could also be found alongside neo-Nazis with fascist front March for England when it ran mildly amok in Blackpool.

Of late she’s found solace in the arms of Paul Prodromou’s South East Alliance (SEA). More specifically she’s said to have found solace in the arms of a particular SEA member. She does seem to have a knack for finding romance in the darkest corners of the UK’s fascist scene.

Whilst we’d concur with the general view espoused of Brannigan as a “wrong un”, we do have to marvel at Charlton’s ability to pick fights with his own. This spat is just the latest in a line he’s kicked off, the most recent being an amusing to-do with the North East Infidels’ Warren Faulkner.

As soap operas go, this is a cracker and, yes, it will run and run.


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