The BNP: Tool, shed and not the sharpest springs to mind

Matthew Collins - 25 02 17
Goebbels wrote this for them, obviously

Goebbels wrote this for them, obviously

We broke the story late last year how the British National Party (BNP) now runs its not-so-well-oiled machine from above a mini-mart in Wigton, Cumbria

The party survives on lies in the main, and of course the generosity of the dead.

The party stood in last Thursday’s by-election in Stoke. Another exercise in asking their few remaining members for money they haven’t got and which the BNP does not really need. It was also another opportunity to see the wooden man that has become what the BNP calls its “seasoned candidate,” David Furness. Poor David, he’s been beaten in more parliamentary by-elections than even Paul Nuttall and Nigel Farage. Yet when the BNP announced it was fighting Stoke, everyone thought it would harm UKIP candidate Nuttall’s chances of winning!

The actual truth was slightly less exciting..

The actual truth was slightly less exciting..

On the BNP website they are really pushing and pushing a new photograph of their leader Adam Walker- one they hope will replace in our hearts and minds the most common one used of him.

Writing on the eve of poll, the BNP once more got into the sort of publicity mode that Goebbels himself would have been proud.

“We’re rebranding as a more professional and credible party without the rough edges of the past.

It’s crystal clear that each high-profile election that we contest is building on the achievements of the previous one.”

This man is banned from teaching, by the way..

This man is banned from teaching, by the way..

You can’t argue with that; the party used to have 65 council seats, 2 MEPs and a member on the Greater London Assembly. These days it has an office above a high street supermarket that offers twelve fishfingers for the price of ten.

Anyway, such a success was this great adventure, that it is hard to remember when the Monster Raving Loony Party actually didn’t beat the BNP.

Keep up the good work, Adam. That new pic is certainly a winner..


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