National Action’s Lawrence Burns sentenced to four years

Matthew Collins - 10 03 17
Lawrence Burns: Another one bites the dust..

Lawrence Burns, the Cambridge man who was active in the group National Action, and something of a poet, has been sentenced to four years in prison.

Lawrence Burns, 23, was convicted of stirring up racial hatred at a trial at Southwark Crown Court in December 2016.

The trial heard Burns had referred to Jewish people as “sub-human animals” on Facebook and in another post said he wanted to “hang the black race”. He also expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler.

Deborah Walsh of the CPS said:

“Lawrence Burns advocated extreme racial violence and hatred through both speaking in public and from behind his keyboard.

“The prosecution put forward compelling evidence detailing Burns’ abhorrent views which left the jury in no doubt he was guilty of stirring up racial hatred.”

* With credit to Cambridgshire CPS press release

The courts also stop them..


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