Dale Kelk admits sabotaging Roma workers’ graft on Bedford construction site

Matthew Collins - 17 03 17
Fence-kicker Kelk

Fence-kicker Kelk

South Yorkshire Casual Dale Kelk has gleefully admitted sabotaging fence posts laid by fellow workers on a Bedford construction site.

The reason? The work had been done, he says , by “Roma lads.”

So whilst they were on a break Dale says he and unnamed pals “booted” the work of workers he described as “right arrogant bastards.”

He may perhaps have confused arrogance with pride in a job well done, a job the Barnsley boot-boy spitefully wrecked.

Whilst Kelk was delighted at the response to his actions by those he targeted, it’s unlikely the site manager shared his enthusiasm. After all, deliberately undermining the work of others simultaneously undermines progress of the project as a whole.

Kelk, who trades as DCK Pipe Fitting Solutions, might also want to ponder how his wider reputation might be affected. After all, who would want to employ someone who destroys work in progress?

Should the work dry up as a result of his idiocy then he will have more time to pursue his other interests. These largely involved feuding with South Yorkshire Police and trying to stir trouble with the local Romanian community.

We’ve reported before on how he sought to target a Romanian hip-hop gig (and then hooked up with Britain First when they came to town). Last month we clocked that he was planning on organising another (costly) demo against Barnsley’s Romanian community.

This wouldn’t be a racist gathering you understand. Oh no. Kelk says that whole racism thing is not good for attracting a broader audience to his cause. Besides, who could accuse a man who sabotaged construction work simply because it was undertaken by foreign workers of being a racist? Who?

Still, despite claiming the local media were slavering at the very thought of his plans, they’ve failed to move on from idea to action. Let’s hope things stay that way because Barnsley and indeed the rest of South Yorkshire have suffered enough from the frequent, pointless and costly attentions of Britain’s withering and often drunken far right.

Kelk plans to target South Yorkskire Police. What could go wrong?

Kelk plans to target South Yorkskire Police. What could go wrong?


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