The far right’s hilarious habit of falling for spoof stories continued last night courtesy of the British Patriots Society.
The Facebook warrior group shared an obvious satire created by Southend News Network.
The well-known satirical funsters posted a story which began:
“A 75-year-old blind man from Southend has been forced to give up his valuable guide dog after a Muslim family moved into the house next door.”
Said man was called Mr Magu.
Clearly Mr Magu was in no way related to Mr Magoo, the famously short-sighted and elderly cartoon character.
Whilst perhaps not SNN’s best work – we’ll refer to that shortly – it was clearly humorous and not in any way connected to reality. You can read it here.
This, of course, did not to stop the clowns of the BPS from sharing it.
“WTF” they asked, adding “!!!” to get across just how shocked they were.
No “?” though.
As well as refusing to be politically correct, the BPS shuns all forms of grammatical correctness.
But nonetheless that WTF had the desired effect as page followers moved quickly to express their outrage.
Patricia Philips unwittingly hit the nail on the head by noting it was “unbelievable.”
Soon a host of SNN fans turned up to both mock and educate. Yet still the BPS admins left the post up. Then someone/something calling him/her/itself the British Patriots Resistance dropped by with a few other fascists to drop a penny.
In doing so they referenced what is possibly SNN’s finest work. We talk of the infamous “Bakery launches hot cross buns without ‘offensive’ cross” spoof. This was fed by not one but two EDL divisions to their credulous followers.
To be fair to the EDL this earned them some national press coverage and even a prestigious slot on comedy website The Poke.
As that bloke who ran the Co-op Bank will tell you, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Gerald Ratner too.
Anyway after several hours the BPS finally cottoned on and pulled the post.
That’s a shame because we were thinking of telling them a little story about Mr Magoo’s creators.
Millard Kaufman, an ex-Marine, helped Dalton Trumbo, escape the attentions of McCarthy’s House Committee on Un-American Activities. He lent his fellow screenwriter his name. Hubley, an ex-Communist, was punished by the same committee.
So, nearly 70 years later, a pair who look suspiciously close to being pinko luvvy types, have helped embarrass a bunch of idiotic British far right idiots. Great work from beyond the grave lads!
Incidentally, it’s not just the gullible far right that fall for Southend News Network’s spoofs. It’s lazy and none too bright journalists too.
Enjoy this at The S*n’s expense.