Poll boost for Greek nazis

26 02 18

From Panayote Dimitras for Greek Helsinki Monitor in Athens

In a monthly opinion poll by Metron Analysis, published on 25 February 2018 by the Sunday paper To Vima, the nazi Golden Dawn party (GD) saw its intended vote rise by almost 50% in a month, reaching 9.5%…up from 6.5% in January 2018.

For the first time, this poll registered two other extreme right-wing parties with measurable strength – 1.5% each – “National Strength” and “Hellenic Solution,” both emerging from the old extreme right-wing Popular Orthodox Rally.

While voting intentions for the opposition extreme right-wing parties elections hovered around 7%-9% since the September 2015, they have now reached double digits (12.5%).

The spectacular rise can be attributed to two major events. The first is the nationalist rallies held in January and February 2018, in Athens and Thessaloniki and organised by various extreme right-wing groups to protest at the emerging compromise solution over the name of the Republic of Macedonia – that will naturally include the word “Macedonia” – perceived as “treason” by Greek nationalists.

The second is the bitter government v. opposition public and parliamentary debate over a major corruption scandal, bribes allegedly having been given by the Swiss pharmaceutical firm

Novartis to ten now opposition leaders. The debate that was generally views as polarising and affecting the credibility of all the traditional political parties. Interestingly, the voting share of the two main parties remained virtually unchanged, with the conservative opposition New Democracy holding 35% against 25% for the governing left-wing SYRIZA. The share of the communist KKE (7%) and of the governing extreme right-wing Independent Greeks (2.5%) also remained stable.

The main victims of the polarisation were the newly-established centre left Movement for Change, a collation of socialist PASOK and the liberal The River, down to 8,5% (-1.5%) as well as various extreme left parties, down from 4% to 2%.

Time will tell if this breakthrough of the extreme right will be short lived or long lasting.



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