Outrage and terror has gripped the pages of the Liverpool Echo this morning “amid fears American white supremacist group is trying to recruit members in Merseyside.”
This horror and outrage comes at a time when everyone is talking about the rise of the far right in the UK.
According to the Echo, leaflets from the ‘Creativity Movement’ are to be handed over to the police after “glossy leaflets” were delivered in Wallasey in Merseyside.
The paper reports:
“the sentiments expressed in the leaflets have been branded “disgusting” on social media, with many people saying how unhappy they are with the delivery.”
Now, the Creativity Movement is not new, and is most certainly not new to Merseyside. And dare I add that the “shock” and “horror” expressed on social media reminds me of the way members of (now-banned) National Action used to drive publicity by ringing up local newpapers in horror at their own stickers.
We wrote about the Creativity Movement active in Merseyside way back in 2015. The two-man operation was firmly ensconced in and among National Action, mainly on account of a shared hatred of Jews. Originating in the USA, the ‘movement’ believes that your ‘race’ is your ‘religion’.
We wrote in 2015 how this ‘movement’ (which ordains its members as ‘reverends’) was:
“A bizarre nazi cult from the United States that sees itself as a religion. Over the last few years, the “church” has suffered all kinds of inner turmoil but surprisingly not related to the fact that the fake religion’s founding father used the religion to procure young boys for himself.”
The group’s leader in the UK is “Reverend James Mac”. He went to school with a member of National Action, who cannot currently be named for legal reasons.
But it’s no secret who is behind the leaflets. As my off sider says, “round up the usual suspects”.
As the paper says:
“It is not clear why or how many of the leaflets ended up being handed out to people in the area.”
Of course not, but by the time this hits national headlines, you bet your life it will be millions…