There’s a big event coming to a venue near Leeds this Saturday with bonehead nazis from across the country visiting for a night of shite music and race hate.
The nazis will begin arriving at the city’s main train station from 1500hrs, with the first band set to break the Race Relations Act within a taxi ride’s distance at 1700hrs.
For the lucky boneheads who make it to the gig without being arrested first, there is a cash bar until 0100hrs.
Years of experience tells us that boneheads, racist music and any kind of alcohol are a very bad cocktail.
The gig is billed as “We Ain’t Scared of No-one”, least of all a thesaurus.
To make matters worse, the gig’s organiser, Rebecca Pollard, appears to be struggling to find anyone trustworthy of brave enough to collect the ten Reichsmarks entrance will cost.
The issue most decent people have with these gigs is that toxic brew of Nazis and alcohol. It always seems to lead to some poor innocent person getting their head kicked-in by the bovver boys who love a bit of Pernod with their lager tops.
One bonehead travelling to the gig is Liverpool-based amateur boxer “Seanie Sean”.
For years “Seanie” (or as he’s really named, Sean Turner) bothered the world with poetry and the promise he was not really a nasty nazi. But he’s been rumbled long ago by antifascists on the Oi! music scene.
Turner used to front the quite dreadful ‘Street Punk Drunks’ band. They were so bad they were eventually given a residency at a certain east London establishment closely connected with former members of Combat 18.
Turner is threatening and encouraging others to attack striking railway workers, in particular Northern Rail staff, for having the audacity to hold industrial action on the day.
We have warned colleagues in the unions to be on their guard. We’ll probably just catch a ride alongside Mick Wakefield on the day.
Obviously lacking solidarity with his fellow RMT members, Garry Parsons is unlikely to be among Turner’s targets.
The terrible traumas afflicting the National Front (NF) are showing no signs of abating.
It seems legendary lush, splitter and former friend of paedophiles Edmund Morrison has (once more) thrown his hat in the ring to run the party.
Morrison, who has joined, formed and split over 30 far-right parties in his 69 years of Hitler-worshipping, has miraculously found a copy of the NF’s much-abused constitution. By an act only he can understand, he is insisting he should be installed as the party’s legal officer-cum-National Organiser.
Understandably, the NF’s dozen or so remaining members are outraged by the very idea of Edmund getting his hands on their cider, and so threats and counter threats are being made.
National sulk, Jordan Pont, who is the head of the party’s Gestapo, suggested that if Morrison pursue such an idea he would be “visited by a van full of Nazis.” This would be interesting, if only to see the NF could fill a phone box, let alone an entire van.
There is still absolutely no clarity whatsoever as to who is running the party, but we can confirm Julie Lake has been shafted by Pont. In a bitter exchange between the two on social media, Lake has confronted Pont about demanding money for his (security) services and also the possibility of threats being made of violence against herself.
Such is the disharmony that the NF has had to cancel three party meetings through fear things may get out of hand. But that has not stopped Lake extending her palms to a series of National Action types, inviting them to visit her in Bristol and discuss how to ‘oust’ Pont from the party.
They should probably just follow the lead by the British Movement, Plenty of Fish and British National Party who have all previously dumped him.