Conspiratorial views about Muslims are no longer simply being shared by far-right extremists: these ideas are being articulated by journalists, politicians and even prime ministers of EU member states.
This flood of fearmongering against Muslims requires a strong response.
Lamp is a new e-newsletter launched by HOPE not hate to monitor, analyse and challenge anti-Muslim prejudice and hate.
It will address the organised Islamophobia industry; changing societal attitudes; the impact of discriminatory policies; and the drivers behind the hate and mainstreaming of anti-Muslim rhetoric. It will also analyse what can be done to reduce Islamophobia and how to engage productively with people who might think differently than you.
While the primary focus will be on the UK, the newsletter will also examine developments across Europe and North America.
LAMP will aim to provide a sober and accurate reflection on anti-Muslim hatred today. We hope it will be an important contribution to all those who seek to understand, analyse and – ultimately – reduce this pernicious prejudice.
Read a section of the first newsletter here:
Islamophobia – it’s real.
If you are interested, and would like to sign up and receive every LAMP newsletter from now on click here.