Some good news for the British Nazi movement with the release from prison of Jeremy Bedford Turner, who was jailed for twelve months earlier this year for incitement to racial hatred.
Turner had refused an earlier offer of release in October as it would have meant being on tag and having his internet monitored.
Not everyone is entirely happy or convinced about the merits of having Turner back. Some people, namely Chris Livingstone, are less than impressed with his release. He’s alleging that Turner is some sort of grass and a coward who once ran off and left Livingstone when the police turned up to question them.
During his absence, Turner’s former friends and comrades suffered all kind of disasters without his guidance. None suffered more than Stead Steadman, who it would appear was forced to start wearing long trousers.
The near complete collapse of the London Forum talking shop was attributed to Stead’s poor management of the membership lists in Turner’s absence and he was rather uncharitably blackballed from receiving a series of confidential emails about keeping the group afloat.
I say ‘uncharitably’, but they were so harsh it was actually the charitable thing to do – in regard to them no longer requiring his input.
Then there was the disaster of Steadman’s Pagan festival being somewhat marooned in Rotherhithe at the Swedish Seamen’s Church. This was followed by the wholly unfounded and homophobic suggestion that he was the source of the information that led to a whole host of decrepit Holocaust deniers’ being forced to sit in the dark earlier this month.
Steadman was actually in the Netherlands whilst the Holocaust conference at home was dying a most welcome death. It appears from comments some have made that he was as equally unpopular over there as he increasingly is here.
On Remembrance Sunday earlier this month, Steadman was back marching to the cenotaph in London with the Nazi National Front (NF), a ritual he performs most years.
Normally he can be found surrounded by and chatting away with all his fascist friends, but not this year. As well as being the second smallest turnout for the annual event in the NF’s long history, there was a noticeable absence of a whole host of big-name Nazis who normally make the sick pilgrimage to soil the memory of Britain’s war dead.
To say Stead now cuts a sad and lonely figure even among other sad and lonely Nazis, would be an understatement.
Dare I suggest his former friends were all welcoming Jez Turner home from prison at some central London establishment and decided not to invite Steadman? I dare not…
If it’s a dog’s life being Stead Steadman, spare a thought for Alison Chabloz.
Ms Chabloz should be well known to our regular readers as she is at the centre of the toilet roll scandal that has shocked and divided the international Holocaust denial movement.
She’s also about a popular as Steadman and like him, has been ostracised by significant other Jew haters. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who is more desperate; the National Front or those who attend its activities.
Chabloz also attended the recent NF march and made a rather large effort, song and dance about laying her wreath,which had a little Palestinian flag on it. I’m sure Ms Chabloz did this not as some sort of show of solidarity with the people of Palestine. It looks more simply like another of her warped attempts at publicity and in the belief it was some kind of clever, off-the-cuff act of Anti-semitism.
Chabloz has suffered an enormous fall from grace since her recent heady episode of being escorted from court by a host of Nazis fanboys and Jew haters. And I’m proud to say, it is apparently our fault! Yes, it is not just long-trousered Stead Steadman having a hard time of it over the disastrous Holocaust denial conference, but Ms Chabloz too!
According to a denouncement issued today by, among others, her former McKenzie friend and confidante to National Action Peter Rushton, Chabloz is a traitor and saboteur.” The National Front’s Richard Edmonds agrees.
There’s a whole host of other jibber-jabber in the denouncement, but little mention of what actually started all this discombobulation- a borrowed bog roll. Chabloz is furious and no doubt feels she is the victim of some kind of Zionist plot. Which is funny, because she is accused of being part of some Zionist plot herself.