First of all, let’s update the brethren on the latest with the desperate and dateless.
Mr Jordan Pont is always a good place to start. He’ll be pontificating from under his wannabe (single) Führer duvet, just how he managed to get himself kicked out of the Nazi’s ‘Unity’ group that had formed on Facebook. It cannot have been an easy thing to do, but the members are most happy he has gone.
Pont is nothing if not boorish and just as he was to begin throwing his weight around I’m told someone in Leeds had to tell him to pull his neck in. To say the least, Pont is not a happy bunny. He has taken himself into his bunker to sew another tough-sticker onto his bomber jacket.
Also unhappy is the Holocaust denying songbird Alison Chabloz.
Poor old Ms Chabloz has been denounced by every conceivable walking and talking neo-Nutzi Hitler apologist since the fortunate and most timely death of Holocaust denier Robert Faurrison.
Ms Chabloz had another legal knock-back in the courts earlier this month and this has opened her up to even greater streams of abuse from her former friends.
Chabloz was again found guilty of posting “grossly offensive” YouTube videos, in contravention of the Communications Act 2003 at Southwark Crown Court earlier this month. This reaffirmed the verdict of District Judge John Zani who last year found Chabloz guilty on three charges of “sending grossly offensive communications via a public communications network”.
Her former friends believe this may have even opened up the possibility of Holocaust denial being made illegal in this country. Chabloz has fought back, blaming us at HOPE not hate for her downfall and the most bitter betrayal she says is upon her by former friends.
Much of this messy and macabre business is actually not even down to us – or even Uncle Adolf. No, it’s all down to who used a last sheet of bog roll. I kid ye not. Such is the forensic nature of the business of denying genocide, pinching a sheet of Andrex whilst pinching a loaf has split the Holocaust Denial industry completely.
One person who is sticking by Chabloz is notorious wally and honey monster, Chris Livingstone. Livingstone used to be the UK head of the Misanthropic Division, supposedly charged with recruiting neo-Nazis wanting to go and fight in the Ukraine.
Livingstone was discharged from service for a whole host of reasons – mainly getting pissed and falling in love with spam bots on the interweb, I hear. Anyway, he has thrown caution to the wind (while three sheets to the wind I would presume), and declared Chabloz the good guy in all this ‘Bog Gate’ affair.
Livingstone has declared instead, Peter Rushton the bad guy as well as a host of other luminaries from the far right. His most pressing target is former military intelligence officer Jeremy Turner, who one suspects is suspected of foul play because in the far right, intelligence is an oxymoron.
Former BNP woman Karen Downes has been in the news again.
So too in the news has been Stephen Lennon’s minder and bodyguard Glen Saffer.
Saffer has been running passport and document checks on people in Dover, Kent, who may appear to have what, I guess, some would describe as a ‘funny tinge’.
Even though there are no laws that you have to have documentation to walk around, it has not stopped Saffer and friends filming themselves stopping people and then calling the police.
Of such apparent concern is this practice, Kent Online ran an article claiming Saffer and his ‘South East Coast Defence Team’ (he lives near Norwich), were “dangerously close to vigilantism.” Saffer has described the article as a “load of shit.” Fake news, probably.
The idea that unauthorised individuals can just run around demanding people show them their documentation is of great concern. For instance, what if a real local to the Kent Coast, Dave Coppin, was taking a stroll with his wife and happened to chance upon Saffer and his friends??
Oh yes, here’s a picture of Glen Saffer with UKIP leader Gerard Batten recently. Batten went to Saffer’s 60th birthday party. We should feel kinda lucky any unpleasant business was sorted out before the meeting.
That party was itself nearly scuppered by a little marital discord. It seems Glen’s genitals allegedly wandered beyond recognised borders.
Elsewhere in Kent, a gang of fascists led by Gary Field, are plotting to confront a book launch being held by Kent Antiracism Network next Wednesday night.
Field’s favourite party trick is to spray people with deodorant.
You may recall this bitter and twisted individual himself previously being caught up in a bizarre love triangle down on Margate seafront, when the National Front’s now leader, turned up arm in arm with Field’s love interest.
Why he doesn’t use the deodorant on himself is somewhat of a mystery.