Far right extremist Tommy Robinson says he’s bankrupt and can’t pay the money he owes Jamal Hijazi, a Syrian refugee he libelled. HOPE not hate CEO Nick Lowles explains why we’re investigating these claims, and how you can help us undercover the truth.
Back in July, far right extremist Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon lost a libel court case. He had accused a young Syrian refugee called Jamal of being a bully, of abusing female students at his school. This all happened after Jamal was in a viral video where he was the victim of bullying.
Jamal was already a victim, but Robinson’s intervention turned it from an unpleasant experience to a living hell. His family were put through an awful time because of Robinson’s lies, and even feared for their lives at points.
When Robinson lost his libel case, the judge ordered him to pay Jamal £100,000, which is the least he and his family deserve and Jamal’s legal costs. Altogether, Robinson owes £2 million.
However, Tommy Robinson says he is bankrupt – and people who are bankrupt can’t pay up.
Here’s the thing – we know Robinson is lying. He’s not really bankrupt – and we are very confident that we can prove it. And if we can, Robinson will face severe legal repercussions – and Jamal – and the others Robinson owes money to – will get the chance of being paid what they are owed.
We have been working on this investigation for six months and have most of the evidence we need. However, only the Official Receiver can overturn a bankruptcy and recover hidden assets, but of course the Official Receiver’s office is under-staffed and under-resourced. This is why the creditors, the people who Robinson owes money to, have formally requested that an independent insolvency expert is brought in to take over the official investigation. This insolvency expert will have the power to undertake a forensic examination of Robinson’s finances. They will have access to company records and bank accounts, and be able to interview people under caution. But the process will incur big costs.
We are so confident that we have located Robinson’s hidden millions that we are willing to finance this investigation and the recovery of assets.
To ensure that Robinson’s lies are exposed – and so that Jamal gets the money he is owed – we need to complete our investigation. We need to raise at least £50,000 to cover the costs of creditors digging into Robinson’s assets and the other legal support we need. It’s a lot, but if we all club together, we can get this done.
The brutal truth is that our information, backed up by the investigative powers of an independent insolvency expert, is the only way that Tommy Robinson will be held accountable for his debts. It really is the only way that the creditors will be able to retrieve their £1.5m. Without it, Robinson will escape justice, be able to keep his hidden millions and continue to use his wealth to spread hate.
Please join the campaign to make sure Tommy Robinson finally pays up by chipping in today.
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…