As many as 250 nazis are preparing to descend on the Scottish town of Bathgate this weekend for a 48-hour Hate Fest, HOPE not hate can reveal. The two-day gig is being organised by the nazi Blood &. Honour network and looks set to be the largest nazi concert of the year – if it goes ahead.
Despite huge secrecy around the gig, which has meant that there has been no flyer for the event issued, HOPE not hate can disclose that the first night of the hate fest is taking place at the Midnight Breakfast Club, in Bathgate. The landlord of the venue is a far right sympathiser and has been photographed wearing far right t-shirts.
The Hate Fest will start with a Ballad night on the Friday, where Ken McKellan and Stigger (real name Steve Calladine) will perform. A full-on gig will then take place at an undisclosed venue on the Saturday, with McKellan’s band Brutal Attack and Calladine’s band Warlord performing. Also set to play is the Finnish nazi band Mistreat. The cover of Mistreat’s Unfinished Business album has the band performing on stage in front of Nazi flags.
Mistreat’s album White Minority is full of racist, violent songs including Send them back’ and ‘Stab the judge’.
McKellan and Stigger are two veterans of the British nazi skinhead scene. In April, McKellan was prevented from entering Germany because of his political views and as a consequence has been banned from every EU country with the exception of Ireland. Three decades ago, Stigger played in Skewdriver, probably the most infamous nazi skinhead band in the world, whose lead singer was Ian Stuart Donaldson – the original founder and leader of the Blood and Honour network.
The 48-hour Hate Fest is being organised by Thomas Stenhouse, a key B&H organiser in Scotland. He has organised several B&H gigs in the Bathgate area in recent years and like McKellan and Stigger is a veteran of the Blood and Honour scene.
HOPE not hate is calling on West Lothian council to ensure the hate fest does not go ahead as the idea of 250 far-right activists spending the weekend in Bathgate is a recipe for trouble. We are also calling on Police Scotland to prevent the members of Mistreat from entering the country.
HOPE not hate contacted the Midnight Breakfast Club who denied the gig was taking place.
There’s a nazi gig happening in Bathgate, West Lothian, this weekend and we need your help to stop it.
Active nazis and members of the Blood & Honour scene will be heading to the show. These gigs always bring trouble, and a couple of hundred, drunk sieg-heiling nazis coming together like this is a major risk to the people of Bathgate. We can’t let that happen.Take action now