Briefing: Could we see more riots? HOPE not hate respond as list targeting immigration and asylum services circulates online

06 08 24

The past week has seen an unprecedented wave of far-right violence and rioting. Having already monitored events in over 30 towns and cities since Tuesday 30 July, HOPE not hate are continuing to pick up a large number of actions across the country planned for the coming days. 

As has been the case all week, it remains extremely difficult to accurately predict whether promoted events will materialise, as is the likely attendance numbers and the level of hostility/violence to be expected if they do. 

We are also monitoring the situation relating to a number of other far-right demonstrations planned this week. These appear to have emerged more organically, and so may attract larger numbers.

In addition to pre-advertised events, there is a chance that the current tensions may result in  further disturbances occurring spontaneously in towns and cities across the UK. 

HOPE not hate will continue to monitor the situation closely.

Joe Mulhall, Director of Research at HOPE not hate said

“HOPE not hate is aware of a list that has circulated widely on social media over the last 48 hours, which consists of the purported names and locations of various offices relating to immigration and asylum services around the country. 

This is a “hit list” of aspirational targets that calls for action, up to and including terrorism, at 8pm tomorrow (Wednesday 7 August). It has been circulated by an anonymous fascist who also had a hand in instigating anti-Muslim violence in Southport and Liverpool this past week. This actor, who has also called for the assassinations of public figures, must be brought to justice and face the full force of the law. 

Understandably, the wide circulation of this list has caused a great deal of distress, unease and fear. Indeed, this list has been compiled precisely to spread these emotions within Muslim and immigrant communities. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict exactly which, if any, of these locations will be targeted by far-right rioters or come under physical attack. Any and all services should be on high alert.”


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