Updated Wednesday 06 Mar 2024

CASE FILE: British National Party (BNP)

Name British National Party (BNP)
Tags Nazi, Fascist and Ethnonationalist
Categories Political Party
Related People/Groups National Front
Years Active 1982 – Present
Active Areas UK


Formed in 1982, the BNP is still the most successful far–right political party in British history. Since former leader Nick Griffin lost his seat in the European parliament in 2014 the proverbial nail has been in the BNP’s coffin. Other than purchasing a home advertised in Hare & Hound, the highbrow periodical for country gents, the BNP leadership has done little other than file a yearly return to the Electoral Commission.

The party is by far the most cash rich of far-right groups in Britain, principally funded by death-bed bequests. Griffin largely spent his final years as leader getting old people to pledge their fortunes to the party, before he was ousted. There are still sporadic attempts by former members and staffers to wrestle the party out of the hands of the two criminals that now own the BNP, but the time to rescue both the party and its household name has long passed.

The current leadership of Adam Walker and Clive Jefferson has little discernible interest in keeping up a pretence the party is functioning – except for a website where the obligatory attempts to solicit donations continue. Those whom cut their political teeth in the BNP have flitted between various minor parties and groups for years, but the British Democrats [formerly the British Democratic Party] under the tutelage of former BNP MEP Andrew Brons would appear to have found for themselves the mantle of a serious, neo–nazi political party.



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