Updated Wednesday 06 Mar 2024

CASE FILE: Edward Dutton

Name Edward Dutton
Tags Nazi, Fascist and Ethnonationalist
Categories Influencer/Content Creator
Related People/Groups Amanda Smith (“Yorkshire Rose”), “The Bulldog
Years Active
Active Areas UK


Edward Dutton (AKA The Jolly Heretic) is a British YouTuber and proponent of pseudo-scientific “race science”, a school of thought purporting that intelligence and other characteristics are almost entirely biologically determined, and varies significantly between “races” of people. Dutton taught at University of Oulu in Finland but was removed after an investigation by the university found him guilty of plagiarising a student’s dissertation.

Dutton has since taken to vlogging and independent eugenicist research and commentary. He has written for a number of fringe far-right journals, including the Quarterly Review and race science outlet OpenPsych. Since January 2019, he has sat as editor-in-chief of the notorious Mankind Quarterly and become a prominent individual in international race science circles. He spoke at the Traditional Britain Group conference in 2022.

His often childish tone does not seem to have been a detriment to his success on YouTube. The channel has 87,000 subscribers, as of March 2024. It combines interviews with prominent members of the far right with monologues in which he espouses his racist views with a scientific veneer. Unlike many of his contemporaries and despite his extreme views, Dutton has so far avoided a YouTube ban and has racked up almost eight million views to date.

In May 2023, he started a Substack and associated podcast which has since reached over 6,000 subscribers. In 2023, Dutton’s content went through a significant professionalisation. He started producing more documentary style videos and travelled to the US to film a documentary which he is yet to release. He has also appeared frequently at offline events, including international conferences and events for supporters in the UK. On his new podcast he has also interviewed activists in his field of race science and the broader far right, including Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, Greg Johnson and Renaud Camus. Notably, he interviewed Katie Hopkins in December, indicating an increasing access to more mainstream figures.



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