Updated Wednesday 06 Mar 2024

CASE FILE: White Lives Matter England

Name White Lives Matter England
Tags Nazi, Fascist and Ethnonationalist
Categories Organisation
Related People/Groups
Years Active 2022 – Present
Active Areas England


White Lives Matter England (WLME) is an offshoot of the US propaganda campaign that became active in August 2022 and has engaged in stickering racist messages across England on an irregular basis since.

The group uses tactics similar to the now-defunct Hundred Handers. It encourages activists to print out stickers from a centralised archive and place them in public spaces, photos of which are then posted on WLME social media channels. Because the name of the group is a now common far-right slogan and its messages are often fairly generic, the stickers have been reused by a range of activists not directly engaged with WLME, as well as newly-formed groups lacking original material. This includes the PA offshoot, the Highland Division, and many youth groups. In this way, the group’s main influence is lowering the bar of entry for offline activism.

The group does not have a clear leadership structure, but has a small number of activists who manage its channels and chat groups and others who simply promote the groups content.

Activity in 2023 has continued in a similar vein as 2022, with stickers put up on a number of occasions across England. There is, however, little activity in terms of organising in the UK beyond updating social media channels. Most cases of stickering are done on the initiative of activists who are not directly affiliated with WLME.



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