Despite all major parties postponing national campaigning until tomorrow, UKIP chose to launch its manifesto ahead of the minute’s silence at 11am this morning.
And while the country is still reeling from the abhorrent terrorist attack that occurred on Monday in Manchester, the manifesto launch marked a new attempt by UKIP to reposition itself as the party to take on Islamic terrorism.
Nuttall spent the first seven minutes of the UKIP launch talking about terrorism and repeatedly slammed “cowardly politicians” for “refusing to admit there is a problem with radical Islam” alongside Prime Minister Theresa May for cutting police numbers and neglecting to clamp down on immigration.
UKIP reiterated their intention to ban the veils worm by some Muslim women, calling them “de-humanising symbols of segregation and oppression” as well as “security risks”.
A perhaps surprising addition was UKIP’s concern about the risk of not getting enough sun:
“Clothing that hides identity, puts up barriers to communication, limits employment opportunities, hides evidence of domestic abuse, and prevents intake of essential vitamin D from sunlight is not liberating”.
UKIP has pledged to implement what it calls “annual non-invasive physical check-ups” on girls “identified to be at risk” of female genital mutilation (FGM) from birth to the age of sixteen.
UKIP will also seek mandatory checks on “at risk” girls when they return to the UK from countries where FGM is known to be customary.
UKIP has pledged to reduce the net migration to zero over a five year period. This would also include a “social attitudes” test.
It is worth noting that on just the sixth page of the UKIP manifesto is a large picture of Gerard Batten MEP, UKIP’s Brexit spokesman. Batten is a veteran anti-Muslim activist and recently attracted widespread condemnation for labelling Islam a “death cult, born and steeped in 14,000 years of violence and bloodshed”, and arguing that it should be referred to as “Mohammedianism – the cult of Mohammed – because that is what it is”.
Also decorating the manifesto is Victoria Ayling, UKIP’s Heritage and Tourism Spokeswoman, and author of the infamous “send the lot back” video, which surfaced in 2016. Nuttall himself has a long history of anti-Muslim activism.
As UKIP scrambles for relevancy following disastrous local election results, the anti-Muslim core within UKIP has resorted to what it knows best.
With tensions still raw and soaring in the wake of Manchester, these figures are seeking to capitalise the grief, fear and suspicion for political gain.