Far-Right Roundup

27 09 19

Other than the curry, no week is the same in this job. Take Monday (please).

Alison Chabloz of bog roll and Holocaust denying infamy went to court to plead her ignorance.  She was found guilty, of course, and was sentenced to eight weeks of serenity and a timeshare on an Armitage Shanks. She was probably only half way through writing an awful opera about her spell in the big house when the judge relented yesterday and let her out to appeal.

Chabloz with her friends in the Nazi National Front

Will we now be spared a musical monologue of alliteration about Alison’s sharing of the prison bog?  Unlikely.  She’ll probably be comparing herself to Rudolf Hess anytime soon. Chabloz, who is 55, is now back living with her parents, tucked up in bed with a Coco and her favourite Teddy bear. Not so grand tinkling hate on a piano, is it? Let that be a warning to you young folk.

Also visiting the Big House will be Sunderland’s racist motormouth Billy Charlton.  ‘Silly Billy’ will be sentenced today after being found guilty yesterday of five charges related to speeches he thought were in defence of the honour of the women of Sunderland.

It’s been a bumpy few years for Charlton. A bellicose drunk, he often found himself betrayed by his racist comrades and accused of ripping them off too.

Charlton, who is 55 and lives with his Mother, led the hooligan gang ‘Sunderland Defence League’,  denied five charges relating to speeches at a series of rallies he set up in Sunderland in 2016 and 2017. The rowdy protests began in reaction to the claim the sister of a local far-right identity had allegedly been raped by alleged asylum seekers.

Charlton: Maybe he can duet with Chabloz in the future

Charlton pushed himself to the front of the campaign but after little success other than innocent people being assaulted by drunken racists, he found himself usurped by rather slicker far-right identities. Stephen Lennon and Paul Golding also went to Sunderland to cause trouble, despite considerable doubts about much of the claims made in the case. Jayda Fransen even got herself nicked for her glamorous endeavour.

Excerpts from Charlton’s speeches, which were read out in court, included one where he said “immigrants seem to have more rights than me in this town”.  In another, he told people to stay away from places he said had been frequented by “immigrant rapists”.

Fransen adding a celebrity nicking to undermine Charlton in 2017

During police questioning, Charlton, who also used to like to hang out with the terror gang National Action and lives with his Mother, withdrew many of the racist claims he’d made in his speeches, asserting he had been drunk.  

The fallout from the 2016-17 campaign had a dramatic and drastic affect on the far-right in the city. Always volatile, the leader of the rival North East Infidels, Warren Faulkner apparently expressed great delight on hearing his bitter rival being found guilty.

All is not well that ends in gaol

Understandably there are lots of very angry far-right types in Sunderland this morning. Much of their anger is aimed at the Wright family.

The Pope Returns

Matt Pope. Bitter and spilling old news

Not many will remember Matthew Pope – understandably.  He’s the  original loser who tried to organise Pegida UK in this country.   We reported back in 2016 how poor old Pope was robbed of leading the group after a chance encounter with Stephen Lennon aka Tommy Robinson.

There’s loads of it

You’ll be pleased to hear that Pope was yesterday dishing the dirt on Lennon in the interests of fake news or whatever it is Lennon’s supporters call witness statements and evidence.

Have a nice weekend.  


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