There’s been no official word yet, but the once mighty British National Party (BNP) appear to have given up the ghost. Two weeks ago their website went down and still remains unavailable. There has also been no further word from the most successful far right party in British history on its future plans.
Absolutely nobody bothered to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the birth of the nasty party. The anniversary was last month and would have normally been commemorated by begging emails, cross burnings and pilfering from pensioners.
The two criminals left in charge of the party, Clive Jefferson and Adam Walker haven’t been seen in public for months. The last sighting of them was in fact during the moving of the BNP’s offices from above an convenience shop to the backroom of one of the many plush beachfront residences allegedly bought with money bequeathed to the party. At the time the two idiots Jefferson and Walker took over the party in 2014, the estimated value of future bequests to the BNP was valued at £8m. If it is the case that the BNP has finally gone, it won’t be missed. The few remaining BNP social media accounts appear to have switched to pumping out the dirge of the (once) rival British Democratic Party
One for the history boffins
The current and ongoing shenanigans of followers of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson) attacking members’ of Mark Collett’s Patriotic Allotment (PA) the other week are now well known and widely reported elsewhere on the interweb. Despite apparently hating Nazis, it seems many actually thought the gaggle of PA members were members of Antifa! How on earth could they make such a silly mistake? Well, it may well come down to not who they know, but what they don’t know.
One of the more vocal sidekicks of Lennon is Danny Rosco who vlogs for himself in support of the many, many causes Lennon lines his pockets with. Rosco also likes to get a bit sweary at demonstrations.
Over the weekend Mr Rosco gave his own small army of followers a lesson in the history of the dangers of Marxism. This very learned lesson focussed on the apparent Marxist attempt to take over the world during the First World War. this war was, according to Rosco, a war of the 1930’s… I kid you not. It’s not even funny. It’s actually embarrassing.
Still, some very clever internet type has made a video all about it.