Students of history will recall the German Führer Adolf Hitler, in his early years, was an artist. Yes, the miserable little tyke painted dour, greyish watercolours of boring buildings and yellow grass – as well as a self – portrait of himself trying to look like Patriotic Allotment’s Mark Collett.
Hitler failed (as an artist, a Nazi, and looking like Herr Collett). But so many admirers of Herr Hitler themselves still like to dabble with paints. Take Bradley Dyas (‘Brad’ to his white friends), a rising star in the diminishing Nazi group – (but still not political party), Patriotic Allotment.
Dyas (left) and chum, just your normal Patriotic Allotment Patriots…..
Mr Dyas is a painter. But not just watercolours like the miniaturist Führer. No, Mr Dyas can do all the disciplines a paintbrush can stretch to. Last week he finished an outhouse for an amateur rugby club in Leeds – positively transformed it into something fit for a bunker – and just in time too, to raise a few pints and his right arm in homage to St George… or is it Hitler?
Dyas and chum, having one of those candid off – camera moments
Along with the recommendation of a Leeds Amateur Rugby Club, Mr Dyas is desperate for others to recommend him for internal and external jobs. Let’s hope there are no synagogues, churches or mosques on his recommended list.
Nazi in high demand
An Old Friend
Students of another sort may well recall Stuart Millson – formerly of the rather unpleasant Federation of Conservative Students. Millson caused outrage in the Tory party in 1986 when he jumped ship to a miniscule and irrelevant Nazi party – The British National Party (BNP) led at that time by John Tyndall. Millson later surfaced again as a supporter of the Revolutionary Conservative Caucus (many of who jumped to the BNP in the 1990’s) and as a hanger – on (their quote, not mine) of the nasty magazine Right Now.
I remember this period myself and the aforementioned Mr Millson of being suspected by BNP members- in the words of another someone else, of potentially having “something of the night” about him. The Irish and (suspected) Jews have always had a hard time in the BNP.
It was only the other day after I had finished pontificating on the far – right’s most loosened grip on St George as well as their grasp on reality, when an article in the Scottish Herald Sun was brought to my attention. It had an article about ‘English Patriots’ on St George’s Day and their apparent love of Scotland.
I quickly made a cup of tea and buttered myself an English scone [jam first in Edinburgh, apparently] and plonked myself down for the long read.
England: No fan of lefties, apparently
And who should pop up? Yes, that same Stuart Millson. These days, Millson is a “softly spoken, effortlessly polite, erudite, with a cut-glass accent and a love of poetry and classical music” and probably, according to the paper, “certainly not to the tastes of Scottish independence supporters – or many on the progressive left.” Now there’s a surprise.
Millson and some chums run the Royal Society of St George.