Revealed: GB News presenter to address secret far-right meeting

Right Response Team - 22 05 24

Nick Dixon will appear at a clandestine gathering of far-right activists

Nick Dixon, host of the GB News Headliners programme, is billed to speak at a secret south London location alongside three notorious far-right content creators.

The comedian became famous in 2021 for saying he was rejected from a gig for being a straight white man.

On May 31st, Dixon will address an event promoting a film made by the race scientist Ed Dutton, who has made a career out of claiming black people are less intelligent than white people. In 2021, Dutton addressed the conference of Patriotic Alternative (PA), the white nationalist campaign group. Dutton, author of Why Islam Makes You Stupid, will feature on a panel starring Nick Dixon at next Friday’s event.

Nick Dixon (right) appearing on the podcast of Ed Dutton (left), who blogs as “The Jolly Heretic”

On the panel, Dixon will join Carl Benjamin, a far-right content creator and failed UKIP candidate, who once told a Labour MP: “I wouldn’t even rape you”, but later added: “With enough pressure, I might cave.” He is notorious for using racial slurs in his videos, calling people “faggots” and “a bunch of n*****s”.

Neema Parvini will also feature at the event. Parvini is a far-right influencer who has said that black people are “impulsive and low-IQ”. A blogger under the names Academic Agent and OG Roland Rat, he has called for the creation of a paramilitary group inspired by the Nazi SA. His website hosts a recommended reading list containing no fewer than five books by the neo-nazi author Kerry Bolton, including one title that claims Jews are working for the “destruction” of gentile society. Parvini appeared on Jacob Rees-Mogg’s GB news programme two months ago.

According to a website promoting the May 31st event, guests must pay £29 to attend a screening of Dutton’s new film, Year Zero — which he says is about Tony Blair and wokeness — plus a panel discussion after. VIP tickets for £129 offer dinner beforehand with Dixon and the other far-right activists.

Dixon presenting Headliners on GB News in May 2024

Nick Dixon is the host of The Weekly Sceptic podcast with Toby Young, plus The Current Thing podcast, where he has invited Dutton, Benjamin and Parvini onto the show to promote their views. On a recent episode, Dutton complained that multiracial TV casts featuring “wise black judges” and “women barristers” made it “more difficult to suspend disbelief”.

Dixon’s appearance at this secret event is surprising given his recent comments about how he is “careful” during media hits. “I could go anytime, because I’ve got so many people gunning for me on GB News,” he said on a podcast appearance. He is less restrained on his paywalled Substack, where he recently analysed the ideas of Jonathan Bowden, the far-right commentator and BNP member, and raged at “the sheer gayness of everything”. 

Dixon’s decision to team up with the likes of Dutton raises further questions about who GB News sees fit to broadcast. Earlier this year, HOPE not hate uncovered the online ramblings of the presenter Leo Kearse, whose account on the social media messaging app Telegram was littered with racist, homophobic and misogynistic slurs. How many more far-right adjacent presenters must GB News employ?

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