Updated Wednesday 06 Mar 2024

CASE FILE: British Movement (BM)

Name British Movement (BM)
Tags Nazi, Fascist & Ethnonationalist
Categories Organisation
Related People/Groups
Years Active 1968 – Present
Active Areas UK


Founded in 1968, the BM initially viewed itself as a highly intelligent, drilled and ideological physical force to counter the democratic adventures of their former stablemates, the National Front. It has certainly attracted violent, racist thugs to its ranks, but its desire to be viewed and regarded as the ideological and intellectual vanguard of the far–right was never realised and any coherent leadership has been absent since the early 1980s.

The continuing decline of, and acrimony within, the Blood & Honour music network has breathed some slight life into the BM over the past four or five years, with the group now effectively running what’s left of the network. The BM has tried to raise its profile by producing swathes of racist stickers as well as semi-literate online magazines and podcasts.

In the North West, BM activists do banner groups and town centre photo ops. Historic antagonisms between the BM and other farright groups have dissipated with time and many now collaborate by holding joint meetings and protests. BM members attend, and speak, at the annual Tyndall memorial event, hosted by Heritage and Destiny, while BM members are joined by Blood and Honour activists and Leeds hooligans at their regular protests against migrants and asylum seekers. The BM is active in London and the South East, the North West, Yorkshire, the East Midlands and Scotland. There is a smattering of support elsewhere, such as South Wales, but far less than in the past.



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