EDL thug comes a cropper

22 04 17
Edge (left) with UKIP leader Paul Nuttall

Earlier today we blogged about the violent English Defence League (EDL) thug Andrew Edge. Edge and others were stalking Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, in the hope of assaulting him.

Police warned Edge at 2pm

After we informed both Greater Manchester Police and Jeremy Corbyn’s team of the threat, it seems that Mr Edge changed his plans and decided to confront Mr Corbyn in Crewe, where the Labour leader was due to address party supporters.

Shortly after 2pm today, police in Crewe issued Mr Edge a “Scarborough” warning, which we assume was to stop harassing and intimidating Labour Party activists in the town.

Cliffe: Not much help today

We have no further idea what transpired further, but Mr Edge claimed to his followers that he would not desist from his plan.  He has within the last twenty minutes told his followers that he lost two teeth, in what we assume was an attempt to keep harassing and intimidating people going about their lawful, political activities.

With him was none other than Duncan Cliffe, a Manchester based EDL member and thug who has recently been hanging around with the banned far-right terror group National Action.

It says a lot when you lose two teeth and have still had a good day out




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