It seems that EDL supporters are spending this week perpetually upping the ante when it comes to making threats to British Muslims.
We’ve reported already on the horrific response from the EDL and other on the far right to the attack on worshippers at a Finsbury Park mosque.
This, though, is arguably the worst.
Shaun Jones, a virulent EDL supporter from Merseyside, has issued a threat of imminent violence. It has been reported to Merseyside Police.
Jones, who is thought to be from St. Helens, says he’s going to perk himself up with vodka before “going on one.”
He goes on to threaten to “put a axe in your [Muslims] head” stating that “this is a time of war.” He then urges readers to “kill a muzzrat” saying “islam must and will be destroyed.”
Alarmingly, such threats are backed up by historical pictures on his Facebook profile which demonstrate he has the weapons to carry out just such an attack.
Jones attended the EDL recent demo in Liverpool and has plans to journey to London this Saturday to join his far right comrades. He’s been discussing it with former EDL organiser Andrew Edge.
Whilst it seems like he’ll have bigger things to worry about between now and then, it appears a fellow patriot has run off with the coach money.
Don’t worry Shaun, it really doesn’t matter. You ‘re unlikely to be going anywhere once the police catch up with you.