It seems the Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Fan Club has found its #1 devotee.
Stepping up to the podium is Leeds’ Adam McDonagh, a sort of Little Tommy.
A fan boy through and through, it was McDonagh who invited Yaxley-Lennon to Leeds Crown Court that day.
Indeed he even took a starring role in the video which became and remains a topic of legal debate.
Here he can be seen shoving his cameraphone in the face of a man outside the court. As someone more famous did that day.
This has become quite a habit of Little Tommy’s.
He’s since returned to the court in an attempt to film brown-skinned defendants whom he believes have committed a crime with which, funnily enough, they had not been charged.
He’s pulled similar stunts at other trials, almost as if he’s looking to grab headlines by getting lifted for Contempt. Just like his idol.
When his hero was incarcerated, Little Tommy was bereft. Despite viewing himself as being in Yaxley-Lennon’s inner circle, he was reduced to pleading with Yaxley-Lennon’s “personal assistant”, Hel Gower, for her to send his love from Leeds.
Events in court that day certainly did galvanise Little Tommy. It was he who organised a shouty protest in Leeds and it was he who evoked memories of certain local chart-topping popsters, predicting a riot as if he were a far right Kaiser Chief.
Sadly, the young man was served with a section by West Yorkshire Police which kept him out of the city centre. He therefore could not attend his own demo.
Little Tommy and Yaxley-Lennon have more in common.
Both have been in and left the English Defence League (EDL). Adam exited after a little bother with fellow Loiner, ‘Dirty’ Don Gold.
One is alleged to have stolen the girlfriend of the other. We’ll let you work that one out whilst we return to McDonagh and his campaign against paedophiles.
McDonagh then graduated to the Yorkshire Patriots and has also been spotted with Britain First on one of there many day trips up North. But, unlike Yaxley-Lennon, he returned to the EDL having patched things up with Gold.
Both Little and Big Tommy are of Irish heritage. McDonagh is a Traveller and, presumably out of love for his roots, appears fond of vintage Irish Republican Army artworks. That certainly won’t raise many eyebrows with the very many Loyalists which inhabit far right circles.
Both like to shout stupid stuff outside mosques as well as courts.
Little Tommy is pulling together quite the demo diary. He’s over in Huddersfield for another out-of-court appearance on September 5th, then he’s heading to Didsbury Mosque to expose a story that’s been headline news this week. Incidentally McDonagh, the allegations made regarding the latter are now being investigated by Greater Manchester Police.
Might it not be be best to leave it to them Little Tommy?
Especially when you’re prone to posting anti-Muslim hatred like this.
Well what do you know? the Didsbury daytrip could be off. But only because some other idiot has organised a rival “flash” for this weekend. An idiot that calls himself “John Bacon” because, you know porcine kryptonite.