Far Right Round up

Matthew Collins - 03 02 22

Notorious far right identity William ‘Billy’ Charlton has been sentenced to three years at Newcastle Crown Court. Charlton was convicted of distributing an indecent image of a child and possession of extreme pornography. The video Charlton distributed was of a child engaged in a sex act with an animal.

A notorious figure during his previous time in the English Defence League (EDL), Charlton went on to lead the Sunderland Defence League which disbanded in drunken acrimony in 2017 after Charlton was alleged to have pilfered prisoners’ funds. So, at least he’ll have money for jams and shampoo.

Billy Charlton: Biggest gob on the far right now in jail and on the sex offenders register

A notorious racist, Charlton was often at the front of anti-Muslim demonstrations calling for sex offenders to be executed. The judge at Newcastle has put Charlton on the sex offenders’ register for life.

It’s always entirely innocent when one of their own do it.

Nigel Piggins

Violent racist Nigel Piggins of Combat 18 and National Front infamy has passed away after a long battle with cancer. Piggins was well known to us here at HOPE not hate. On a number of occasions he tried to attack members of our staff going about their jobs. Piggins was part of the gang behind the Racial Volunteer Force jailed for a total of 15 years in 2005. A fundraiser to pay the costs of Piggins funeral was like an old race hate address book. Among those who contributed was the convicted murderer and former Combat 18 boss Charlie Sargent. Sargent, who is out of prison on license contributed a whopping £88 (nice touch) to the fund.


I’m not sure what his probation officer or current employers will think about that..

Eddie Stampton

Stampton (right) with former terror boss Charlie Sargent

Talking of one former terror chief who was sent back to prison, it should come as no surprise that the notorious Eddie Stampton is currently collecting monies for another terror chief, the recently gaoled Ben Raymond of National Action. Stampton seems to have a habit of attaching himself to troubled terror-types. He was allegedly well rewarded by the state for getting Charlie Sargent sent back to nick and then upsetting the plans of London UDA. Raymond was recently moved from prison in Bristol after being assaulted by a fellow prisoner. The last thing the poor lad needs now is love letters from Stampton. We’d be more interested in seeing how much Stampton actually collects versus how much he actually donates.

£88- or Heil Hitler in Nazi vernacular


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