A Question For The English Democrats

Here is a quick question for The English Democrats and their leader Robin Tillbrook. Why is one of their leading activists from the Liverpool area Steven McEllenborough posing for this photograph in front of a portrait of Adolf Hitler? McEllenborough was an English Democrat candidate in the Warbeck ward of

English Democrat PCC candidate Steve Uncles picks fight with Kent Police

Steve Uncles campaign to become Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner has taken an interesting turn after he accused the county’s force of lying over a sexual assault investigation.
Last week Kent Police took the unusual step of releasing details of the nationality and ethnicity of 11 men arrested in connection with

English Democrat Denies Holocaust

If you thought things couldn’t get any worse for Robin Tilbrook and The English Democrats think again !
One of its leading members and candidates from the West Midlands has been caught denying The Holocaust
Frank O’Brien, a former BNP candidate defected to the English Democrats a couple of years ago following

English clown enters flag debate

The English Democrats (ED) did not respond well to being exposed  taking another startling and further dip into the far-right earlier this week.
 Among the usual abuse we received were, of course, accusations that we are somehow involved in the genocide of the English and attempts

Uncles continues to undermine Kent sexual assault investigation

If the case were not so serious then the fantastical interventions of Steve Uncles, the English Democrats candidate for the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner, would be laughable. But we’re talking about an allegation of sexual assault and an investigation which has seen 11 men arrested.
On Sunday we reported

Far-right round up: Silly boys

A terrible, terrible week to be a fascist. Electorally, they’re only getting about 0.5% in elections and there has been some angst in their dwindling number about their offices in parliament remaining locked and unused.
The English Democrats appear to have launched their 2016 Police & Crime Commissioner elections campaign

Far-right round up

Potentially very bad news for the English Democrats in Kent, where the police have announced they are launching a fraud investigation ahead of next week’s county council elections.
No doubt the party’s Kent supremo Steve Uncles will be blaming someone in Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland for this fine mess the party

Oh Dear, Robin

Oh dear, our new found friend Robin Tilbrook, leader of the increasingly far right English Democrats has a little bit of a problem.
The English Democrats have had an open door policy to any BNP refugee who was lost without a political home, anyone willing to pay the membership fee was

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