All is, apparently, not too well in Britain First. Many of you will be aware the party has previously been undermined by massive Communist plots – direct from Stalingrad. Today I am saddened to report that even their Führer, Paul Golding, is potentially under the influence of reds under his bunkbed.
Yes, the ‘woke’ cad has been Tweeting (or is it now called ‘X’ing’ ?) pictures of a Soviet aircraft flying over God’s own country! Not only that, he’s been pouring [Communist] Chinese tea over one of our most sacred union flags! Of course, Herr Golding has had more than a little trauma of late. His new – best, old – best, new best friend Andy Frain has joined all of the other Andy’s in Golding’s life and stormed off in a huff. Allegedly, things went wrong in their bromance during their recent dog fighting and warm – lager festival in the Peake District. Things came to a head when Golding’s deputy, girlfriend, perennial losing election candidate and Eva Braun Ashlea Simon marched into a local boozer and demanded Frain and others return to the festival of hatred. Now, Andy Frain is a lot of things – some would call him a ‘Nightmare‘, but he is not the type to be bossed around by a ‘mere’ woman.
Apparently, Frain’s impolite response to the named holder of the party’s banks account with Wells Fargo in New York was deemed as insolence.
Unlike Golding’s previous partner and deputy leader, Jayda Fransen, Ms Simon does not elicit the blind loyalty and sympathy Ms Fransen could call upon with the party’s unfaithful. And she knows it. Ms Simon took great umbrage with the insolence of a jumped up football thug and debt collector, reporting it immediately to her gallant beau and party leader, demanding he (Golding) call Frain and others into line under her authority. Within minutes Führer Golding was on the scene – and also told impolitely by Frain (and one or two others) they were not coming back to the festival – (and a lot of other stuff we cannot use here until the film of it all hits the cinema in the classic re – make of the cult Nazi ‘Triumph of the Unwilling.’ ) Now Golding the bloody Stalinist, is airbrushing Frain from party history! No more long trips to hotels around the country slipping Frain into photographs as a local activist. And also, no more of those wild nights in hotel bars and almost certainly for Golding, visits to Coleraine and Bangor.
Losing Frain is a major blow for Golding and Britain First. There’s nowt like the sort of kudos having someone that sliced the throat of a police officer in tow gives you at the ballot box. And furthermore, Frain was also a conduit for Golding to make fleeting returns back to Northern Ireland. For the time being however, Golding and Ms Simon are having to make do with the charade of electioneering. And this is very, very taxing. Yesterday, Ms Simon reported she spent a good three hours standing on a bridge sticking her fingers up at drivers in the constituency of Tamworth. Not only did she do this, Simon also sent a bit of a snotty email to Britain First supporters, wanting to know where their cash is. Using her other finger, she wrote:
“I am also the Treasurer of Britain First, and in this role, I can see just how desperate things have become financially because we are flat-out with this campaign in Tamworth. We are teetering on the edge of a major financial crisis unless we all pull together.”
Ms Simon even warned she would be checking to see which one of their naughty, nutty, neo-Nazi supporters was coughing up! Personally, I’m not giving them anything until they tell us where their patrol boat and gym – both costing thousands of pounds to Britain First members have sunk to.
One of the things I constantly bang on about is the amount of paedophiles that are active in the far right. It drives the Islamophobes mad. Never mind. Back in 2017 I wrote how one National Action member was joining the army. The military was apparently aware of this, but let Serj Foster join up anyway. Having trained him up as a killing machine, they then kicked him out of the army for being a Nazi. Late last month Foster was in court for terrorism (obviously) and also having vile and shocking images of children in distress on his computer. (surprise, surprise). He’s now been jailed, thankfully, but still no word from the geniuses at Prevent about this trend.
As soon as these Nazi paedophiles can be locked up another appears. It has been reported today that Martyn Gilleard was released earlier this year. I’ve been blogging about Gilleard for sixteen years. He used to be just someone to beat the far right around the head with.
He’s now some kind of sick Guru for them. Gilleard is now out in the community – conditions of his release are unknown, except that he has served his full sixteen year sentence. He will never have been more at home among his former comrades.