The Mersey Morons ?

Now that the nominations are in for the various elections taking place next month, I thought I would take a closer look at one area that made me raise an eyebrow more than once over the past week. What was once a very active branch, Liverpool BNP has become the

Weston in North America

The former UKIP candidate Paul Weston who now leads the EDL’s political front the British Freedom Party (BFP), has been on his travels. He’s been in North America, discussing the wait for it…“threat of Islam”. Weston follows a long line of leaders’ from miniscule British political parties to travel

Last Place for the BNP in Northants

The BNP managed to finish in last place yet again, this time in a Northamptonshire County Council By-Election. Mark Plowman stood for the BNP in the Towcester ward on Northants council. The result was: Chris Lofts (Lib Dem) 1274 (60.6%) Ian McCord (Con) 638 (30.4%) Barry Mahoney (UKIP) 124 (5.9%) Mark Plowman (BNP)

British Freedom makes themselves look stupid

At Christmas time the far right aided by some sections of the right wing tabloid press traditionally cook up a “Christmas is being banned” story that inevitably turns out to be untrue. This year’s Yuletide award for stupidity goes to the miniscule BNP splinter British Freedom led by UKIP reject

Britain’s Most Expensive Party?

With the BNP in terminal decline, you would have thought that Nick Griffin would be trying his hardest to hang onto what is left of the party’s membership? Apparently not, and with the BNP’s finances in a terminal nosedive, Griffin and Co. have devised a cunning plan to milk the

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