Bizarre accusations!

Given the sort of people we write about, we receive a lot of strange emails and even stranger messages get left on our blog. We try and moderate them all and respond, wherever possible, to the salient ones (or at least ones not trying to flog us timeshares in far-flung

Bizarre accusations!

Given the sort of people we write about, we receive a lot of strange emails and even stranger messages get left on our blog. We…

Pepe’s French Adventure

Below is an archived edition of Ctrl Alt Right Delete, a weekly email newsletter. This edition was published on 02/12/2017. Members of Factual Democracy Project have access…

Bores get boorish in Bolton

Last night a small group of North west fascists disrupted a meeting of Bolton Council to bellow about mosques and undermine a legitimate protest regarding…

Bores get boorish in Bolton

Last night a small group of North west fascists disrupted a meeting of Bolton Council to bellow about mosques and undermine a legitimate protest regarding potential cuts to local children’s centre.
The group was led by Wayne Riley, a local man who last year was found guilty of using abusive

Life without Tommy

The women in his life are used to getting by without the company of English Defence League (EDL) founder Stephen Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson.
If it’s not the drugs or thuggery, it’ll be football or mortgage fraud keeping him away from home. Or maybe it’s the entering of another country illegally.

A change is coming

We have reported twice of late how the far-right has finally woken up to its perilous state. The British National Party (BNP) is almost dead, the National Front (NF) has split again and the English Defence League (EDL) is split, hungover, divided and split again.
There’s reports this morning

Sugardaddy desperately seeking leadership…

A former British National Party (BNP) organiser from Northamptonshire is to organise a conference he hopes will solve the British far-right’s leadership crisis.
Larry Nunn, who is a ‘business consultant’ and closely linked to the nazi talking shop ‘London Forum’ has called for a conference this September to iron out what

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