Far-right round up

posted by: Matthew Collins | on: Thursday, 23 January 2014, 20:54
Well, it took them a week, but the BNP finally removed the big lie about Polish people from their website. They did it quietly and with neither an apology to their poor members nor the poor ex-wife of the

Pitt’s departure another shot in BFP dispute

Yesterday’s news that the EDL had parted company with loyal Essex leader Paul Pitt comes as no surprise.
Pitt, whose real name is Paul Prodromou, fell victim to the absence of EDL leader Stephen Lennon and the political ambitions of stand-in EDL leader Kevin Carroll, who also doubles as a

There are too many Muslim extremists in prison for the EDL’s liking

Some people are unaware or ignorant that the EDL run their business on social media. Obviously no telephones exist in the EDL.
For the past three years, the EDL have been complaining that the streets are over run with radical Muslims extremists and they should all be in prison.
The EDL’s leader

Sticking the boot in..

The EDL is now falling to bits. That is no exaggeration. Now should be the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. The EDL’s “number three” Tony Curtis has left the group after the Walthamstow debacle and rather than step up to the

Another weekend – another splinter group

Tony Curtis appears to have joined the long list of people either pushed or jumped from the EDL leadership. Curtis, from Nottingham, lasted longer than most that get close to the Cousins Grimm but he must have known his time was up when Kevin Carroll, Stephen Lennon and Paul

Of lies damn lies, and paedophiles

Tomorrow, it is likely that more than a few hundred far right extremists will try to descend on Hyde, a borough of Tameside in Greater Manchester, to protest about what they claim is some kind of agenda by Britain’s Muslim community to carry out some sort of “genocide” against “native

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