British nazi calls for a war against Jews

We’ve written countless times previously about the activities of Jack Renshaw, a former Young British National Party (BNP) activist from Blackpool.
Often Renshaw gave us great reason to laugh. He dressed like a cast-off from Dad’s Army and had the polished wooden-like features of one of Bagpuss’s mice. Such a

Sen sails into dangerous water

I have been admonished by a series of fascists (mainly claiming to be from the United States) for writing that because Jack Sen is part Indian, he would not be able to join many British fascist groups.
I don’t know why this series of supposed Stateside psychopaths are taking the

Far-right round up

I am currently working on musical theatre and have decided that Joshua Bonehill and Eddie Stampton will each, in turn, be my Muse.
I’m going to call my production “The Pervert And The Grass Fall Out” and it will be based upon real events unfolding as I write.
The planned

Asking little boys big questions

On 12th June, English Defence League (EDL) founder Stephen Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) and Britain First leader Paul Golding will share a platform in a debate organised by The Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA).

The debate will centre on

Jew-hating Jew forced to quit Nazi rally

After yesterday’s story about Melissa Cordwell (or whatever she calls herself) turning up to speak at the Nazi rally planned for Golders Green next month, it appears she has now decided to pull out from speaking.
Maybe it was being the subject of such Antisemitism from her “friends” or

Far-right round up

Well, a week has passed since the terrible events in France and Nick Griffin has still not apologised for another one of his outrageous lies.
Griffin excitedly lied to his small army of followers that there was going to be a beheading whilst the whole terrible affair was initially unfolding. I

EDL: It’s now open warfare

As we have been reporting, things in the English Defence League (EDL) are dire.
This evening, the EDL’s Chairman Steve Eddowes issued a press release that is more aimed at the writers’ of Viz magazine, such is the comedy gold therein, than Fleet Street.
Eddowes has attacked Hel Gower

Griffin makes bizarre hate speech and insults Jews, immigrants and Africans

Nick Griffin was over in Germany at the weekend dazzling his far-right friends with a speech about the wonders of youth. Griffin was speaking at the “Europa-Kongress” of the NPD-youth-organisation “Junge Nationaldemokraten”.
It was a bizarre, rambling and unpleasant demonstration of how low he has sunk, even by his own low

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