Lennon announces his Pegida team

No sooner had the Christmas trees come down, the ‘Christian Patriots’ of Pegida UK were up and about their important business of fighting their war against tourism.
Little Stephen Lennon is aiming for a big kick off in Birmingham on February 6th, joined by many of his old gang (brilliantly captured

The BNP has split again and it’s rather quite boring…

There’s been a few rumblings of late about another split in the British National Party (BNP). What is left worth even splitting about is up for debate, but it spilled out into the open last night with an attack from the London Organiser of the party on the party’s

Asking little boys big questions

On 12th June, English Defence League (EDL) founder Stephen Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) and Britain First leader Paul Golding will share a platform in a debate organised by The Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA).

The debate will centre on

A year on for Griffin and the BNP

It’s been a year since Nick Griffin lost his seat in the European Parliament. He’d never been particularly keen on real work anyway, so he has not spent the last 365 days looking for alternative and dignified paid employment.

Up the Poles with Jim Dowson

Convicted thug and pavement rustler Jim Dowson has thrown caution to the wind and come out in support of Polish immigration to the United Kingdom.
The man who formerly owned the British National Party (BNP) and founded Britain First has been waxing lyrical about the wonders of his Polish

This year it’s harder to vote for a disease

The British National Party (BNP), enjoyed a rare moment in the spotlight this week when the whole world and his dog stopped to pass comment that they appear to be a rather lot smaller than they were this time five years ago, when the party stood 338 candidates at

Weekend roundup

Well, the weekend is not even over yet and it appears the hours spent by our dedicated team searching for far-right candidates has yielded few results.
This is despite certain people being determined to convince the world that the far-right in Britain is rising. Yes, we do have UKIP (unfortunately), but

A new name for Posh

I have said it before and I will say it, again. Paul Weston is our favourite far-right extremist.
Weston is a laugh a minute. From getting drunk and losing his wallet in Stockholm (in the company of the EDL leadership) and claiming he had been the victim of some non-existent

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