Far-right round up: It’ll be wet in Manchester

One does wonder what has come over the police and council in Manchester that they have decided to allow a “White Pride” rally there this Saturday. There will be, according to the organisers, “no blacks, no Muslims, no Gays” allowed at the rally. Actually, what they are saying is a

Griffin cuts the throat of British Voice

Nick Griffin has been active in fascist politics for close to forty years. He’s been a thinking man, a revolutionary, a conservative, a facilitator, a splitter, a moderniser, a rebel, a revolutionary, a reactionary, a factionalist and always, without fail, a fool.
He’s squandered more wealth and opportunity than any of

Far-right round up

Nick Griffin held his “way forward” meeting in London last night. It seems just about every dreg in the far-right attended. In the pic with Griffin and tatty banner, is Paul “Stavros” Prodromou, the failed leader of the near defunct South East Alliance (SEA).
Another attendee was Gil Gould, formerly

And now the dirty war begins

The expulsion by the British National Party (BNP) of their former leader Nick Griffin has created national news headlines.
BBC News 24 even ran a blow by blow update late last night. Internal BNP documents are falling like confetti. Some are physically being shoved into our hands. A dirty war has

Far-right round up

When the British National Party (BNP) was serious about pretending to be a political party, they used to head up to Blackpool for a “conference”. Nick Griffin would stand at the door grubbily welcoming delegates, while up at the windows of their chosen venue, his moronic thugs would make unpleasant

Racist and posh gun for hire

It would be wrong to pick just one favourite far-right extremist, but at a push I would say Paul Weston comes pretty close to mine.
Ever since we first met on a muddy field in Amsterdam way back in 2010, I knew then that Weston was going to be

Exclusive: Farage’s Helping Red Hand

Nigel Farage was in Belfast last week, Wednesday to be precise. It was a quick visit where he found time to tell the Belfast Telegraph that he was not going to get drawn into the flag debate; Farage was there to remind everyone, including the nationalist community, to vote

Far-right round up

This promises to be a busy weekend. The English Defence League (EDL) will be defending their right to get drunk and arrested in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
According to the local paper, the cost for policing this booze fest is £500,000. With 1000 police officers on duty it will also work

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